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T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)
T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) are neoplasms of immature T-cell precursors or lymphoblasts. T-ALL is less common than B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and accounts for approximately 15% of all childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases. These neoplasms tend to occur in older adolescents, with a male predominance.
As stated in the current World Health Organization classification, T-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma is a neoplasm of lymphoblasts committed to T-cell lineage involving bone marrow (BM), blood, or presenting as a tissue-based mass involving the thymus, lymph nodes, or extranodal sites.
Immunophenotypic Subtypes of T-ALL/T-LBL
Subtype Key Markers (Cytoplasmic CD3 With)
Pro–T-ALL (T-I) CD7+
Pre–T-ALL (T-11) CD2+ and/or CD5+ and/or CD8+
Cortical T-ALL (T-III) CD1a+
Mature T-ALL (T-IV) Surface CD3+ (CD1a–)
T-ALL, T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia; T-LBL, T-lymphoblastic lymphoma.
Example: Cortical T-ALL
Above figure shows case of Cortical T-ALL, which shows( blasts-red and lymphocytes blue) positivity for cCD3, CD7, CD1a, CD10 dim, CD5 dim and negative for CD34, CD3, CD2, CD8, CD4, CD19, CD10, CD13, MPO, cCD79a.
Example: Pre T-ALL
Above figure shows case of Pre T-ALL, which shows( blasts-red and lymphocytes blue) positivity for cCD3, CD7, CD10 dim, CD5, CD2 dim, CD34 dim and negative for CD1a, CD3, CD8, CD4, CD19, CD13, MPO, cCD79a, CD117.
Onciu M. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Hematol Oncol ClinNorth Am.2009;23:655-674.
Borowitz MJ, Chan JKC. T lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma. In: Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, et al,eds.World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. 4th ed. Lyon, France: IARC; 2008:176-178.
Pui CH, Howard SC. Current management and challenges of malignant disease in the CNS in paediatric leukaemia. Lancet Oncol.2008;9:257-268.
Goldberg JM, Silverman LB, Levy DE, et al. Childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute acute lymphoblastic leukemia consortium experience.J Clin Oncol.2003;21:3616-3622.
Oudot C, Auclerc MF, Levy V, et al. Prognostic factors for leukemic induction failure in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and outcome after salvage therapy: the FRALLE 93 study. J Clin Oncol. 2008;26:1496-1503.
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Van Vlierberghe P, Ferrando A. The molecular basisof T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.J Clin Invest.2012;122:3398-3406.
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Weng AP, Ferrando AA, Lee W, et al. Activating mutations of NOTCH1 in human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Science.2004;306:269-271.
Fogelstrand L, Staffas A, Wasslavik C, et al. Prognostic implications of mutations in NOTCH1 and FBXW7 in childhood T-ALL treated according to the NOPHOALL-1992 and ALL-2000 protocols. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014;61:424-430.
Kraszewska MD, Dawidowska M, Szczepanski T, et al. T-cellacute lymphoblastic leukaemia: recent molecular biologyfindings.Br J Haematol. 2012;156:303-315.
Ferrando AA, Neuberg DS, Staunton J, et al. Geneexpression signatures define novel oncogenic pathways in Tcell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Cancer Cell.2002;1:75-87.
Coustan-Smith E, Mullighan CG, Onciu M, et al. EarlyT-cell precursor leukaemia: a subtype of very high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.Lancet Oncol.2009;10:147-156.
Zhang J, Ding L, Holmfeldt L, et al. The genetic basis of early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Nature. 2012;481:157-163.
Van Vlierberghe P, Ambesi-Impiombato P, Perez-Garcia A, et al. ETV6 mutations in early immature human T cell leukemias. J Exp Med. 2011;208:2571-2579.
Raanani P, Trakhtenbrot L, Rechavi G, et al. Philadelphia- chromosome-positive T-lymphoblastic leukemia: acute leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia blastic crisis.ActaHaematol.2005;113:181-189.
Jiang G, Zhang M, Yue B, et al. PTK7: a new biomarkerfor immunophenotypic characterization of maturing Tcells and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Leuk Res. 2012;36:1347-1353.