FlowCytometry Net
(Flow Cytometry Based Knowledge Portal)
Reagents for flow cytometry
PBS 10 X (Stock)
PBSA 1 X (Working)
Lysing solution 10 X & 1 X
1 liter stock of 10x PBS can be prepared by dissolving
7.2 g NaCl,
1.32 g Na2HPO4 · 2H2O
7.52 g KH2PO4
Make upto 1 L by distilled water.
pH 7.2 ± 0.2, Store 2-80C in tightly closed bottle
Dil stock 1 in 10 to a total vol that you would consume in a weak for 1x PBS working
1 liter stock of 1x PBSA can be prepared by dissolving
10g BSA
2.5g Sodium Azide
Make upto 1 L by 1x PBS.
pH 7.2 ± 0.2, Store 2-80C in tightly closed bottle
1 litre of Lysing solution stock (10X)
89.9g NH4Cl
10.0g KHCO3
3.7g EDTA Na4
DW to 1 lit.
pH 7.2 ± 0.2, Store 2-80C in tightly closed bottle
100ml Lysing solution working (1X)
90 ml DW + 10 ml 10X stock
Mix well. Store at RT. Discard after 3 days
PBS – PFA (0.5%)
PFA 0.5g in 100 ml of 1 X PBS (with azide)
Dissolve by heating to 65-700C (hot plate with magnetic stirrer is best). Must keep flask/beaker covered tightly with AL foil while heating.
Filter solution though a 0.2 μ suction filter before use esp for minimal residual disease work.
Store at 40C for upto 2 weaks