FlowCytometry Net
(Flow Cytometry Based Knowledge Portal)
Reference Experts:
Dr Sandeep Rai (Founder) (Lab Oncology, AIIMS, New Delhi)
Prof. Rajive kumar (Ex. HOD, Lab Oncology, DRBRAIRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi)
Prof. Uma Bhardwaj (Himalaya Research , Dehradun)
Er Amit Bhatti (Expert Flowcytometry, BC)
Dr Jyoti Mishra (Consultant, Sharda University)
Dr Aroonima Misra (Scientist, ICMR, New Delhi)
Mrs Saroj Singh (STO, Lab Oncology, DRBRAIRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi)
Dr Ritesh Kumar (Application Scientist, BC)
Reference Books in Flow Cytometry:
General Reference Books
Methods in Cell Biology: Cytometry, 3rd Edition, Part B, June, 2000, Darzynkiewicz, Robinson, Crissman, Editors
Methods in Cell Biology: Cytometry, 3rd Edition, Part A, June, 2000, Darzynkiewicz, Robinson, Crissman, Editors
Cytometric Cellular Analysis Series
Phagocyte Function: A Guide for Research and Clinical Evaluation, J. Paul Robinson and George F. Babcock, editors, 1998
Immunophenotyping, Carleton C. Stewart and Janet K.A. Nicholson, editors, 2000
Emerging Tools for Single Cell Analysis: Advances in Optical Measurement Technologies, Durack and Robinson, editors, 2000
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting, Radbruch, 2000
Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach 3rd edition, Ormerod, 2000
Flow Cytometry, Ormerod, 1999
Flow Cytometry Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, No 91, Jaroszeski and Heller, Editors, 1998
Cell Separation Methods and Applications, Recktenwald and Radbruch, Editors, 1997
Current Protocols in Cytometry, Robinson and Darzynkiewicz, Editors, 1997
Current Protocols in Cytometry on CD-ROM, Robinson and Darzynkiewicz, Editors, 1997
Flow and Image Cytometry, NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, 1996
Flow Cytometry Applications in Cell Culture, Al-Rubeai and Emery, Eds,1996
Methods in Cell Biology: Flow Cytometry Vol 41, Part A, Darzynkiewicz et al, 2nd Edition, 1994
Methods in Cell Biology: Flow Cytometry Vol 42, Part B, Darzynkiewicz et al, 2nd Edition, 1994
Practical Flow Cytometry, 3nd Edition, Shapiro, 1994
Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach 2nd edition, Ormerod, 1994
DNA Cytometric Analysis, Sampedro & Orfao, 1993
Handbook of Flow Cytometry Methods, Robinson et al, 1993
Flow Cytometry: First Principles, Givan, 1992
Flow Cytometry Data Analysis, Watson, 1992
Flow Cytometry in Microbiology, Lloyd, 1993
Introduction to Flow Cytometry, Watson, 1991
Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach, Ormerod, 1990
Flow Cytometry and Sorting, 2rd Edition, Melamed et al, 1990
Guide To Flow Cytometry Methods, Grogan & Collins, 1990
Methods in Cell Biology: Flow Cytometry, 1st Edition, Darzynkiewicz & Crissman,1990
Flow Cytometry: Instrumentation and Data Analysis, Van Dilla et al, 1985
Reference Books in Clinical Flow Cytometry
Immunophenotyping, Carleton C. Stewart and Janet K.A. Nicholson, editors, 2000
Introduction to Diagnostic Flow Cytometry: An Integrated Case-Based Approach, Hudnall (Editor), 2000
Flow Cytometry: Principles for Clinical Laboratory Practice, Owens & Loken, 1995
Flow Cytometry: Clinical Applications, Macey 1994
Flow Cytometry in Clinical Diagnosis, (2nd Ed) Keren et al, 1994
Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry, Riley et al, 1993
DNA Cytometric Analysis, Sampedro & Orfao, 1993
Clinical Flow Cytometry: Principles & Application, Bauer, Duque & Shankey 1993
Diagnostic Flow Cytometry, Coon & Weinstein, 1991
Clinical Cytometry: The New York Academy of Sci, Andreeff, 1986