CD3 is initially expressed in the cytoplasm of pro-thymocytes, the stem cells from which T-cells arise in the thymus. The pro-thymocytes differentiate into common thymocytes, and then into medullary thymocytes, and it is at this latter stage that CD3 antigen begins to migrate to the cell membrane. The antigen is found bound to the membranes of all mature T-cells, and in virtually no other cell type, although it does appear to be present in small amounts in Purkinje cells. This high specificity, combined with the presence of CD3 at all stages of T-cell development, makes it a useful immunohistochemically marker for T-cells in tissue sections. The antigen remains present in almost all T-cell lymphomas and leukaemia’s, and can therefore be used to distinguish them from superficially similar B-cell and myeloid neoplasms.
To check the CD3 expression in cytoplasm and surface we took a T-ALL case in which CD3 is positive in cytoplasm and surface so that we can check the higher expression FOR MORE CLICK